Tuesday, March 11, 2014

MC Day 7



6am: Again lost another pound. Numi's Savory tea in Broccoli Cilantro to begin. My guts began to rumble soon after. Oh boy.

8:20am: I decided to take my last laxative tea today as I would like to "rinse" with SWF before I end this cleanse.

8:30am: Ding! Ding! First elimination round and a lot!

Worked out bit but for some reason, couldn't finished it. Began to feel dizzy and nauseous. Had to stop. :(

11:30am, 11:45am, 12:30pm: Elimination rounds and ugly ones!

Scary Moment of My Cleansing life.

Morning and noon, I felt great. Enjoyed the sunny warm weather, felt radiant, and all. But as the day went by, I began to severely feel faint and sick. I had to lay down to ease myself which worked temporarily. As soon as I got up to even to sit, the faint sensation began again. I thought of dehydration so I tried drinking plain water but just couldn't take it. Laid down some more and as soon as I felt I could take a few sips, I quickly took two or three spoonfuls of maple syrup by mouth and reached for my chamomile which was brewing to wash it down. Took out my Spoonk mat and laid down scared and praying for a miracle. Felt so much after hour. Finished my chamomile and ate a few pieces of raw ginger to chase my nausea away. After another hour, felt super better. Thank God! Made a super tall juice with double concentrate and extra maple. Had to omit the cayenne on this one. I did not wanted to bother a weak stomach this evening. I did get a bit bloated though. Might be really wrong to add extra maple or take several spoonfuls by mouth like I did but being desperate to get well, I had to do it.

So in my opinion, since I felt better after taking extra maple, what probably happened was that during these three last days, I put my body under extra stress by working out and not taking enough juices to balance things up. I basically burned what I consumed leaving my body to starve.  I just felt like I cleansed better when I worked out. I guess one or two workouts during such cleanse is OK but more is probably not. At least not with extra juices.

Anyway, tongue is still super fuzzy, my belly is (almost) flat like Beth Stern. That's how I know I'm cleaning well. Tons of small pimples. Hair is oddly lighter. Nail tips are whiter. Bit pimply. Dreams are deeper and interesting. Less moody. Libido a bit down too.

No laxo tea tonight.

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