Wednesday, March 12, 2014

MC Day 8

Zen Day yet Breaking NYC News

6:15am: Out of bed yet still sleepy. Lost another pound. Oddly, had an elimination and a lot! I realized when I drink water in the middle of the night or a super early, an hour later I have to "go" and A LOT!. Only happens when I take a laxative tea almost 24 hours ago. I guess it kept working and working.

8:15am: SWF time! Oddly and I am sure? this had nothing to do with the SWF but, again, had to "go" in the middle of drinking the my flush. So yes, 8:20am - elimination two and still a lot! BTW, always follow your SWF with extra water to keep things moving faster.

9:20am: Elimination three. Not so much stuff came out but still, wasn't all liquid. :) Also, enjoyed Numi's savory tea in Beet Cabbage. I am liking these teas a lot!:D

10:20am, 11:15am, 11:33am: SWF definitely did it's thing. All "butt pees" and mucho! Were a bit dirty as I haven't done a SWF in almost a week. :X

12:00pm, 12:15pm: Both small "butt pee".

Overall, felt a lot better, relaxed, happy. I realized I over did my workouts these past days. So I truly recommend no workouts during the Master Cleanse. Maybe some yoga. Felt alert, a bit sleepy due to waking up at 4am, but not dizzy or nauseous. We had an unfortunate incident in Manhattan's Harlem area which took most of my mental attention. I realized this made me want to munch on something which I did on a single baby carrot. :(

Again, no laxo tea tonight.


When taking the laxative tea, you will eliminate more than once and it'll be semi solids or at least some stuff will come out. If too much cayenne is taken, you WILL feel the Ring Of Fire this way.

When you take the SWF, first elimination will be dirty but mostly liquid. Like dirty urine. The rest of your eliminations will be liquid and get lighter with the dirt till it gets to clear dark yellow to orange but barely any solids comes out and you'll barely feel the cayenne this way. Butt pee, basically.

So, I realized the laxative is the one removing everything in the colon like soap and scrub. And the SWF rinses u clean like water. No wonder it is recommended to take laxo at night, and SWF in the day. I didn't followed this as the laxo worked on me too quickly and too often till the next day! Not staying up all night. So I alternated my days between them.

Danas je 8 od 10

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